Dear America,
Even in our darkest moments, a light shines.
Throughout history, these darkest moments have seen the rise of a light that shines for all the world to see. Nelson Mandela spoke out against apartheid and, freed from prison, led a nation to freedom. Mother Teresa, when asked how she could smile when reaching out to the world’s forgotten and abandoned, responded that she saw Christ in each person she served. Martin Luther King stated, "I believe unconditional truth and love have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."
And now, as we again face darkness, as the world watches in horror a country turned upside-down, we must always remember that love trumps hate. The person we see in the mirror every day will be the one who will truly change the world. Cesar, Malala, and Gandhi were ordinary people who did extraordinary things to make the world a better place.
While the world’s most powerful government changes hands, Border Angels will be in the desert providing water for migrants dying of thirst; we will be constructing shelters for refugees without homes. We will be feeding strangers who are struggling to survive.
Only love overcomes hate, and only light overcomes darkness. Love has no borders.
Amor, si se puede,
Enrique Morones
Executive Director/Founder - Border Angels