Dear Amazing Activists Everywhere,
The Guerrilla Girls have learned that you just have to keep doing one thing after another, no matter what. Don’t worry if it seems that you are not creating the change we all want. The key is to keep fighting. If you do that we promise that over time your efforts will add up to something, even after the disastrous election of Not My President Trump.
Everyone has to protest in their own way, but what works for us is crafting political posters, stickers, videos, and street projects that twist an issue around, using facts and humor, in the hope of changing people’s minds. We don’t just point to something and say, “This is bad.” We try to find a unique way to present an issue. If a poster works, we do another. If it doesn’t work, we do another.
We call what we do creative complaining. The great human rights movements of our time – Civil Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Women’s Rights, Black Lives Matter – will continue to grow, despite the setbacks we face today. The future will be more diversity and more human rights for everyone -- all backgrounds, all sexual orientations, all genders, all over the world. Keep up the pressure, keep making trouble, keep trying to win hearts and minds. Fight racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, and corruption of all kinds.
Conspire with us on the right side of history.
In solidarity,